There are approximately 358 holy wells listed in the Archaeological Inventory for County Cork. Some are still the site of pilgrimage, others receive occasional visitors and some are neglected, forgotten or have even disappeared. Some are tiny indents in natural stones, others are percolating springs and some are fern-strewn basins hidden in the undergrowth. All have their stories to tell and individually and collectively provide a fascinating glimpse into a way of life and set of beliefs that are in danger of disappearing. Once every community would have had at least one well which was revered and visited for its healing qualities. There will be a well near you!
I set out on St Bridget’s Day 2016 to discover the state of the county’s holy wells and to record what I found – an audit with observations. Seven years later, having visited over 330 wells, I have since published my findings in a book Holy Wells of County Cork, available from Wildways Press.
Onwards into County Kerry – 180 wells to explore there.
How to find content…

An ongoing account of my explorations and visits can be found in my Blog posts.

A general analysis of holy wells in Cork and Kerry can be found in the On Wells section

To find a specific well please consult the Gazetteer which also has an interactive map.