The area around Cullen in North Cork reveres three saintly sisters: St Lasair, St Laitairian and St Inghne Bhuidhe – the spellings of these names vary enormously! Who they were seems complicated. Some accounts refer to them as being from the north of England for the wonderfully named St Beirechert (also spelled in a multitude […]
Two wells for Bealtine: Tubrid Well & City of Shrone
Just back from a brief but fruitful tour of North Cork, culminating in two very special wells that are traditionally visited at Bealtine. Bealtine was one of the four ancient Celtic festivals and is a Cross Quarter Day, half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It was usually celebrated on May 1st. […]
Island Wells 1: Tobar Ciarán, Oiléan Cléire
Today’s exploration involved a ferry, not my favourite means of travel as I have no sea legs, but the forecast was good, the sea looked calm and a well beckoned. What a great excuse to visit Oiléan Cléire, or Cape Clear Island – eight miles off the mainland and a really beautiful island, with crystal […]
St Colman’s Well, Cullomane East
At first sight, this little well does not look terribly exciting or interesting but looks can be deceptive! This area is bursting with interesting archaeological remains, evidence that it has been spiritually significant for many millennia. The well takes a bit of finding – identified by a rather sorry looking dip in the pasture, filled […]
St Barrahane & St Brigid: an explore around Castlehaven
Two small, well camouflaged wells today, both with minute roads leading to them which required nerves of steel but well worth it! St Barrahane’s Well, Tobar Bearcháin, Castlehaven What a beautiful spot this is – a small, narrow, bumpy road takes you down to the unexpectedly expansive harbour of Castlehaven, the blue of the water […]
St Bartholomew’s Well, Tobar Partalam, near Bantry
This little well proved very elusive. I had tried on two previous occasions to locate it and had driven down small lanes, asked two women on horseback and generally found nothing. Armed with the GPS and a navigator, things proved a little easier the third time. We pulled into the corner and looked hopefully into […]