This was rather an unexpected sight to see in a remote area of North Kerry: three larger than life statues of St Bridget, Our Lady and Christ crucified lined up along the side of a road. They were of course connected with a holy well. Knoppoge Holy Well, St Brigid’s Well, Tobar Eilís, Tobereleesh, Tobar […]
North Cork
Gadding around Glanmire
If you remember I had collapsed in my very comfortable airbnb only to be told that the local history expert was on his way to give me a few tips. John was delightful, someone who had lived in the Glanmire area for most of his life and who was a treasure trove of local information […]
Tobairín Dónail, Rathcormack Mountain
This well was discovered at the end of a long and hard day’s exploration – see last week’s blog. It’s one of those wells that I have looked at on the map and sighed for it looked very remote and difficult to get too- also the name of the townland Rathcormack Mountain was a bit off putting. […]
Causing havoc in Carrignavar!
Back in County Cork and I’m now on the trail of 15 obscure holy wells located on each side of the M8 heading towards Fermoy. I’m to the west of the motorway today and my first stop is near Watergrasshill. St Stephen’s Well Described by the Archaeological Inventory as a hollow in the ground with […]
An unexpected pleasure:Tobar Eoin Basti
I’m just back from a couple of days in Fermoy, meandering up and down the sides of the M8 in pursuit of the last crop of holy wells in this area – more of those shortly. This well, the final one of the trip, was an unplanned visit. Glancing at the map, I saw an […]
Chalk & Cheese: two very different wells near Burnfort
The last two wells in the latest North Cork exploration were like chalk and cheese, wonderful contrasts to show just how different holy wells can be. But first a diversion to Island Wedge tomb (CO042-056001) in the same townland as the first well. Island Wedge Tomb This took some finding – just a few miles […]