The enchanting North Cork village of Tullylease was once the site of a large ecclesiastical settlement founded by the wonderfully named St Berrihert (his name can be spelled in a huge number of ways: Bearhtwine, Bearcheart, Berechtuine, Berikert, Berichter, Berectchert, Berechtir, and Berehert, but locally he is mercifully known as St Ben and that’s what […]
North Cork
St Olan’s Well, Aghabulloge
I always seem to start my blog by saying how unexpectedly interesting the well in question is! It’s true – each well has its own merits and interest and this one is no exception. St Olan’s Well is to be found on the side of the Rylane road, there’s a small pull-in place. The area […]
Trinity Well, Newmarket
This was an unexpected and interesting well, clearly signed from the road and approached down a long, damp trackway complete with horsetail shoots. The stone wellhouse, a colourful mound in a pool of bogginess, is semi-circular and bedecked with plastic flowers and eclectic offerings, a wooden cross placed atop. A large slab, now submerged, lies […]
St John’s Well, Tobar na bhFaithní, Mushera
This large and impressive site is dedicated to a local saint, St John of Mushera. Wedged into the side of Mushera mountain, emerging from the forestry and with spectacular views down into Millstreet and beyond, it is a remarkable, unexpected and windswept spot. Each time we have been here the weather has been interesting: thick, […]
Three sisters, Two wells around Cullen
The area around Cullen in North Cork reveres three saintly sisters: St Lasair, St Laitairian and St Inghne Bhuidhe – the spellings of these names vary enormously! Who they were seems complicated. Some accounts refer to them as being from the north of England for the wonderfully named St Beirechert (also spelled in a multitude […]
Two wells for Bealtine: Tubrid Well & City of Shrone
Just back from a brief but fruitful tour of North Cork, culminating in two very special wells that are traditionally visited at Bealtine. Bealtine was one of the four ancient Celtic festivals and is a Cross Quarter Day, half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It was usually celebrated on May 1st. […]