Sometimes things come together in unexpected ways and at unexpected moments! Visiting my hairdresser recently, the talk of course got round to holy wells! She mentioned that she had been discussing local wells with another client and the well at Meenvane had come up. I confessed that I thought I had mis-identified this one and […]
West Cork
Ringing in the old & the new: a round up of explorations in 2024
It’a always interesting to look back on a year and see where I’ve been and what I’ve done. It didn’t feel as though I’d visited many holy wells this year as much of my time had been taken up with the project Well, Well, Well?, working with artist Marie Brett. This immersive and creative project […]
Found, Forgotten, Revisited: a November round up
A blog highlighting some recently visited wells around County Cork and County Kerry, including some old friends and some new discoveries. It is now reasonable to assume that many holy wells date from before the Christian era and can therefore be hundreds of years old. The first well described may be unusual in that it […]
Kinsale: Fan na dTubraid, a town built on springs
I recently joined forces with Charlotte Cargin who took me on a whirlwind tour of some of the wells in Kinsale, the town originally called Fan na dTubraid: the Slope of the Springs/Wells. I had noticed that Charlotte was busy uncovering wells in the town and surrounding areas and wanted to find out a bit […]
An unveiling: two new statues of St Gobnait revealed
One of the extraordinary rituals still maintained on St Gobnait’s feast day, 11th February, involves a much worn thirteenth century oak statue, a depiction of the saint herself. It is only made available for veneration for two days a year, the feast day and Whitsunday, when it is placed in the church in Baile Bhúirne, […]
Brigid 1500: the Keeper of the Flame
This year, 2024, marks the 1500th anniversary of the death of St Brigid, one of the three patron saints of Ireland, along with St Patrick and St Colmcille. Brigid is believed to have to have been born around 450AD in Faughart, County Louth but she is mainly associated with Kildare where she founded a religious […]