How your data is used…

In brief
- If you subscribe to this site some data will be saved until you un-subscribe (see below).
- If you comment or ‘like’ a blog post or use the contact form, some data will be recorded and will be used by the Akismet anti-spam service as explained below.
- If you use any of the social sharing buttons on the site, some data will be shared.
- Otherwise this site does not track you (except for essential functionality purposes) or share data about you.
When you subscribe
When you subscribe, you will receive a welcome email. You must click a link in the message to confirm your email address. After your subscription is confirmed you will receive an email notification whenever I publish a new post. The email will include a link to unsubscribe if you wish to do so.
Contact Form
The Akismet anti-spam service is enabled on this site. The contact form submission data — IP address, user agent, name, email address, website, and message — is submitted to the Akismet service (owned by Automattic) for the sole purpose of spam checking. The message data is stored in the database of this site and is emailed directly to me. This email will include your IP address, timestamp, name, email address and message content.
If you comment on a post, your name, email address, timestamp, and IP address are recorded. Additionally, receives the following data: blog ID attached to the site, ID of the post on which the comment is being submitted, MD5 hash of your email address, and the comment content. Akismet (owned by Automattic) is enabled on this site, so the following information is sent to the service for the sole purpose of spam checking: commenter’s name, email address, site URL, IP address, and user agent.
You must be logged into to use the ‘like’ facilty. In order to process a post ‘like’, the following information is used: IP address, user ID, username, site ID, post ID (of the post that was liked), user agent, timestamp of event, browser language, country code.
If you use one of the social sharing buttons on this site, each button loads content directly from its service in order to display the button as well as information and tools about you. As a result, each service can in turn collect information about you. If you use a Facebook or Pinterest sharing button, information such as your IP address as well as the page URL will be available for each service, so sharing counts can be displayed next to the button.