Still feeling tranquil and otherworldly from our visit to St Peakaun’s monastic site, we travelled another few miles deeper into the Glen of Aherlow to visit somewhere I have long wished to experience – St Berrihert’s Kyle. St Berrihert’s Kyle We parked, GPS suggesting we needed to go across the fields. A car passed us […]
The Red Well, Tobar Dearg: a moving well
Having come down off Mushera Mór of course the sun came out and fuelled by a large bowl of soup we felt able to explore another well. What an unexpected delight this was. The Red Well, Tobar Dearg, Toberderg Rather intriguingly, it sounded as though the Red Well, Tobar Dearg, was on two sides of […]
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly …
… a quick whizz through some of the most memorable holy wells visited in 2017. Most privileged encounter: St Patrick’s Well, Castletownroche The year started with a wonderful encounter where we were not only privileged to visit St Patrick’s Well, Castletownroche, right on the Blackwater River, but we were also given an extensive and personal tour […]
Kilmacow Holy Well, near Kanturk
After a disappointing search for a a couple of wells near Kanturk, we decided to try one more site before returning home to West Cork. It proved to be something rather special. Kilmacow Holy Well, Tobarkilmacoo The well was instantly recognisable as we travelled up the long boreen towards the farmhouse, for there in a […]
A Motley Quintet around Mitchelstown
The last five wells from our recent expedition to North Cork are all unloved, neglected or forgotten, a motley crew indeed yet one or two exciting discoveries were made, as usual. Mitchelstown Holy Well Confusingly this little well is not in Mitchelstown itself but in a small townland of the same name a few miles […]
On the trail of St Finbarr
Today’s adventure was centred around the scenic back roads between Dunmanway and Crookstown, a day of exploration with my pals Robert and Finola from Roaringwater Journal. Several holy wells were of course on the agenda. St Finbarr’s Well, Tobar na Daibhche, DunmanwayFirst stop was St Finbarr’s Well just outside Dunmanway, an area of little shady roads, […]