A blog highlighting some recently visited wells around County Cork and County Kerry, including some old friends and some new discoveries. It is now reasonable to assume that many holy wells date from before the Christian era and can therefore be hundreds of years old. The first well described may be unusual in that it […]
Diversions in Tipperary: Part 3. Tobar Íosa, Cahir
It’s been a while since we had a proper fieldtrip and this one was bittersweet – the first time we had ventured out without Robert, our dear friend, husband of Finola, and one half of Roaringwater Journal, who sadly passed away in March. Although much missed he seemed ever present and I know he would […]
Derrynafinchin: a bullaun, Mass rock & stone circle
The townland of Derrynafinchin – Doire na Fuinseann which seems to mean rather confusingly oak wood of the ash trees – lies in the incredibly scenic and remote Borlin Valley in West Cork. Everywhere was looking Autumnal and lush in the soft drizzle as we ventured forth. First stop a wayside grotto, tucked neatly into […]
Stranger Things: Apparitions & Visionaries
Returning home from the City of Shrone on May Day I inadvertently passed two Marian grottoes and of course had to stop. Travelling around Ireland you may notice an abundance of grottoes! Some are discrete and tucked into gateposts or placed in gardens: private, household shrines. But the vast majority are Marian shrines depicting the […]
Lady’s Well, Ballylanders
There is only one Holy Well in the parish of Ballylander Co. Limerick – it is in the graveyard about two hundred yards from the village. It is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and is patronised especially by those suffering from sore eyes. 15th August is the pattern day and for a fortnight before and […]
Lockdown Roundup
Now confined to 5km there’s not much chance of doing any serious well hunting but we did make the most of our last days of freedom and the lockdown is proving to be a good opportunity to update on various wells (and the website). Our final day out was a ramble with with friends around […]