Sometimes things come together in unexpected ways and at unexpected moments! Visiting my hairdresser recently, the talk of course got round to holy wells! She mentioned that she had been discussing local wells with another client and the well at Meenvane had come up. I confessed that I thought I had mis-identified this one and […]
Diversions in Tipperary Part 4: featuring some strange & colourful saints
Whilst roving around Tipperary recently, we came across some wonderful sites connected with some colourful and interesting saints – some previously visited before and some new. First up St Séadna, possibly St John, St Seona, St Sedna or even St Senan. St Séadna’s Well, Glen of Aherlow Located in the south east corner of Clonbeg […]
Culture Night: Oíche Chultúir 24, Tubrid Well
I have been working on an exciting year-long art project with visual artist Marie Brett on the theme of holy wells – in particular associated healing, traditions and rituals. The project is coming to fruition and the exhibition will be opening in Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, County Kerry on the 3rd October and will combine dance, […]
Shady Lady: Mary Magdalen’s Well, Kilbane, Limerick City
One of the holy wells I was keen to visit on my Limerick trip is dedicated to Mary Magdalen, the only one I have come across with this dedication. Two photos from the National Folklore Photographic Collection show how impressive it had looked in the 1950s, sporting a stone cupola and containing a life-size statue […]
Wonderful Wells & Wild Weather: squelching around the Iveragh
I’m just back from an excellent long weekend at the inaugural Skellig Coast Archaeology Festival. The weather was atrocious and many events were outside but we were a hardy lot and sallied forth anyway – and there were wells! St Crohane’s Well, Tobar Chrócháin One of the highlights of the programme for me was a […]
Barrigone: an estuary well
An unusual well in County Limerick on the agenda today, one literally in an estuary. Barrigone Well, St Jude’s Well, Craggs I have long been intrigued by this well having seen images of it waterlogged, like a small ship afloat. It’s situated on the Robertstown River estuary which flows out to join the mighty Shannon […]