En route to Ardpatrick, a sign caught our eye somewhere near Kilfinnane- holy wells. Having never knowingly driven past one let alone more than one, we decided to investigate. A gap in a hedge and faded signage looked hopeful. It was quite a steep clamber down the other side, the steps literally cut into the […]
Two wells on the Cork/Limerick border
Whilst in Limerick hunting down the Gobnait wells, it would have been rude not to visit a few others in the vicinity. In fact, I fear County Limerick might be calling! These two wells are literally on the border with Cork near Charleville, in fact they are both mentioned in the entries for County Cork […]
North Kerry Escapade Part 2
The second part of our day trip around the tip of North Kerry and refreshed with a bowl of soup in a supermarket somewhere rural, we paid a quick visit to Lislaughtin Abbey. It has seen better days but even in a derelict state it was apparent how fine it must once have been. The […]
Signage, paths & no cows: three wells in North Kerry
This was rather an unexpected sight to see in a remote area of North Kerry: three larger than life statues of St Bridget, Our Lady and Christ crucified lined up along the side of a road. They were of course connected with a holy well. Knoppoge Holy Well, St Brigid’s Well, Tobar Eilís, Tobereleesh, Tobar […]
St Batt’s Well & an Abundance of Cattle
It is the season for frisky and curious cattle and they were in abundance near the first two wells encountered in today’s exploration in North Kerry. St Lúireach’s Well, Tobar Luráigh, Toberlury Tobar Luráigh looked remote and difficult to find on the map, and it was. The footpath shown on the early OS maps had […]
An Epic Pilgrimage for Michaelmas
There is a very picturesque area near Baile an Sceilg, Ballinskelligs, on the Iveragh Peninsula in Kerry known as the Glen. It stretches from Duchalla Head to Puffin Island, encompassing the enigmatic Skellig Rocks nine miles off the coast. The most famous rock, Sceilg Mhíchíl, Skellig Michael, was an early Christian settlement, where the monks […]