Whilst in Limerick hunting down the Gobnait wells, it would have been rude not to visit a few others in the vicinity. In fact, I fear County Limerick might be calling! These two wells are literally on the border with Cork near Charleville, in fact they are both mentioned in the entries for County Cork […]
pattern day
Still in pursuit of St Gobnait
This post may only be of interest to serious St Gobnait devotees! Whilst limited by lockdown I researched, virtually and whenever possible in the field, the peregrination of St Gobnait as she went in search of the site of her resurrection – identifiable by nine white deer. From setting out on the Aran Islands where […]
Trout & Tussocks: the Strangeness of Holy Lakes
I don’t know what the situation is in other counties but Cork and Kerry seem to have a fondness for holy lakes. In County Cork for example, the entire Lake at Gougane Barra was once considered sacred for it was here that St Finbarr wrestled with the resident water serpent, Tú, and of course won. […]
A Peregrination part 1: the wanderings of St Gobnait
With time to think, research and mentally meander, St Gobnait has been in my thoughts. I thought it might be interesting to look in detail at her remarkable journey when she too (physically) meandered around Munster, as she searched for the site of her resurrection. It’s a long and complicated wandering and will be covered […]
Cork City Wells Revisited
Cork city originally had six wells in its vicinity: Lady’s Well, Leitrim Street; St Francis Well, Franciscan Well Pub; Sunday’s Well, Sunday’s Well Road; Toibar Bhrionach, Wise’s Hill; St Finbarr’s Well, Kilbarry and St Bartholomew’s Well, Doughcloyne. The first four were investigated on an atrocious day way back in February 2016 and are due for […]
The Good, the Mad and the Strange: a round up of 2019
A quick round up of some of the more intriguing wells visited in 2019. It’s been a busy year for I officially completed my research on the holy wells in County Cork: 310 wells visited and recorded, and then ventured forth into County Kerry. A long visit to New Zealand followed by a horrible bout […]