Just back from a brief but fruitful tour of North Cork, culminating in two very special wells that are traditionally visited at Bealtine. Bealtine was one of the four ancient Celtic festivals and is a Cross Quarter Day, half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It was usually celebrated on May 1st. […]
St Gobnait
Lady’s Well, Tobar Mhuire, Sheep’s Head
This attractive little well is found next to a Mass rock and together they form a special site, still visited and venerated. The road that leads up to Lady’s Well is signed but tiny with huge views across Bantry Bay. Park where you can then go through the stile, across a very muddy field, sometimes […]
St Abban’s Well, Tobar Abán, Baile Mhúirne
I visited this little well on the 11th February, the feast day of St Gobnait, but was so entranced that I felt it deserved its own page. Appropriately enough St Abán is meant to have been the brother, or possibly the mentor, of St Gobnait and it may have been he who founded the religious […]
Three wells dedicated to St Gobnait, Baile Mhúirne
The 11th February is St Gobnait’s Day, the feast day of a very popular saint in West Cork, one who still attracts many pilgrims to her shrine in Baile Mhúirne, (Ballyvourney. I decided to come and pay my respects too and was impressed and moved by this extraordinary experience. The Rounds, Turas GhobntanThe site is large […]