A blog highlighting some recently visited wells around County Cork and County Kerry, including some old friends and some new discoveries. It is now reasonable to assume that many holy wells date from before the Christian era and can therefore be hundreds of years old. The first well described may be unusual in that it […]
Stomach ailments
St Munchin the Wise and St James the Greater: two saintly encounters in Limerick
It’s impossible not to be intrigued by a saint called St Munchin or Mainchín mac Setnaí to give him his full name. Sometimes known as Munchin the Wise or Little Monk, folklore surrounding his dates and origins are confusing but he is patron saint of Limerick City which some stories credit him with founding. Like […]
Shady Lady: Mary Magdalen’s Well, Kilbane, Limerick City
One of the holy wells I was keen to visit on my Limerick trip is dedicated to Mary Magdalen, the only one I have come across with this dedication. Two photos from the National Folklore Photographic Collection show how impressive it had looked in the 1950s, sporting a stone cupola and containing a life-size statue […]
Turas agus Snamh agus Comhrá: three wells in Castlehaven parish
Enjoying a wonderful run of summery weather and invitations to view wells coming in thick and fast, I have spent just two days in the Castlehaven/Toe Head area revisiting a trio of holy wells. St Bartholomew’s Well, Tobar Bearcháin, Castlehaven Reading through the Southern Star I came across an article about Gormú, the brainchild of […]
Patrick’s Well: trees, trout & a strange mound
In search for a well for St Patrick’s Day where better to start than a townland encouragingly called Patrickswell. This one is in County Limerick which has nineteen wells dedicated to the patron saint – quite a contrast to County Cork which has only two and I have yet to come across any dedicated to […]
Trees, Saints, Cats & Cake: well hunting North Cork
This cluster of wells was on my list last time we were in North Cork but had to be postponed as the weather was just too hot! The heatwave having abated I dropped Himself off in Ballyvourney as he tackled the last leg of the Slí Gaeltacht Mhúscrai, also postponed due to heat. We arranged […]