Fuelled with coffee at Budds in Ballydehob we headed off on the R586 towards Bandon, five wells in the GPS. Holy Well, Killowen First stop, a sharp left after Murragh and up an unexpected glen, full of dense foliage and the sound of dripping water. We parked in a layby and Ger just happened to […]
Well Hunting around Ballinspittle
A crisp clear morning in Kinsale, we had four wells on the agenda on our way home. First stop Lady’s Well, just over the bridge at Ringrone. Lady’s Well, Tobar Mhuire, Ringrone The well looked to lie quite close to the road in pasture. According to the Archaeological Inventory, it no longer had holy use […]
Close Encounters around Clonakilty
Four wells beckoned in the backhills around Clonakilty. Enlisting the help of my pal Finola of Roaringwater Journal fame, an expert navigator thankfully, we set off to explore, the day being bright and beautiful. Trinity Well, Tobar na Trionóide Naofa, Castleventry First stop was Castleventry. Parking in a handy layby, we were surprised to find […]
St John’s Well, Tobar na bhFaithní, Mushera
This large and impressive site is dedicated to a local saint, St John of Mushera. Wedged into the side of Mushera mountain, emerging from the forestry and with spectacular views down into Millstreet and beyond, it is a remarkable, unexpected and windswept spot. Each time we have been here the weather has been interesting: thick, […]
A clutch of wells around Castlefreke
An exploration around the Castlefreke area today. The castle itself is a massive Gothic pile built by the Freke family in 1820, replacing a much earlier castle. The house was burnt down in 1910; later sold, its valuable interiors were gutted and the building left a ruin. It was purchased once again by the Freke […]
Well of the Cold Spring, Tobernanore, Sheep’s Head
Clearly signed from the road (look out for the Ancient monument symbol on the gate) this well lies in a magnificent position with views out over rich pasture towards Dunmanus Bay. The site feels remote and open, yet the well is hidden and tucked into the landscape. The first time I came here, it was […]